Connect Elements
Creates a responsive connection line between two selected layers
  • From: set line's starting point
  • To: set line's end point
  • Stroke Size: set line's thickness
  • Trim Start/End: adjust line's visible length
  • Trim Offset: offset the position of the visible line
  • Arc Mode
    • Arc Mode On/Off: enable or disable the arc mode for the connection line
    • Reverse: reverse the direction of the arc mode
    • Size: adjust the size of the arc
  • Square Mode
    • Square Mode On/Off: enable or disable the square mode for the connection line
    • Horizontal: set the orientation of the square mode to horizontal
    • Corner Proportion: adjust the proportion of the corner in the square mode
    • Corner 1 Roundness: control the roundness of the first corner in the square mode
    • Corner 2 Roundness: control the roundness of the second corner in the square mode
  • Line Color: specify the color of the connection line

How to use
  • 1
    Select the two layers you want to connect
  • 2
    Click the "Connect Elements" button
  • 3
    A responsive connection line with several options will be created


If you run this tool without selecting any layers, it will create null objects and establish connections between them.